The COVID-19 Pandemic has ravaged the world. There are no borders or walls that this silent stalker cannot pass. There is no wall, bridge or armed forces that will stop the spread. In the short period of time that COVID-19 has been discovered, millions have contracted the virus, and the death toll keeps rising. With that said, there is a face, name and story for each of the souls lost.
The purpose of this campaign is to raising funding to create a photo/video data base free of charge to the families and friends who have lost a loved one to COVID-19.
How will this work, and where will the funds go to?
1.) The funds will be used to maintain the website and hosting expenses
2.) The funds will be used for accounting expenses to be managed by a third party to manage the finances for 100% transparency.
3.) The funds will be used to hire much needed IT workers who may be unemployed currently as a result of their employers closing down due to the COVID-19 epidemic.
4.) The funds will be used to employ individuals to maintain the photo memorial online.
5.) Office space will be covered through donations for employees to work in a safe space.
6.) Future plans for the memorial will be to acquire a physical location in NYC which was the epi-center of the US outbreak to house video memorials by friends and family to share with the world. Imagine the tender moment when a child grows up and they see the beautiful stories about their lost family member from other family and friends immortalized for all eternity at the permanent memorial.
What does COVID-19 Memorial do?
1.) CV19M will create a searchable database to be sorted in alphabetical order of last name and listed in each country around the world. ALL THIS WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE to get listed in the database.
2.) Families and friends will be able to post a touching story about their loved one under the photo with complete name/nickname, date of birth/date of loss, occupation, memorable moment, and who they leave behind. If a charitable donation is requested in lieu of cards and flowers - that charity will also be listed. ALL THIS WILL BE FREE OF CHARGE to get listed in the memorial.
3.) The COVID-19 Memorial is a work in progress and ever evolving.
COVID-19 does not discriminate and neither does the official COVID-19 Memorial
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting the COVID-19 Memorial directly